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Taking care of Rad Roaches is easy! First thing to do is get a tub, the size of the tub will depend on the amount of Roaches you have. Just use our quick guide. For more detailed information use our NON–quick guide.

Quick guide:
-TUBS– use a dark colored tub– It’s best to use a dark colored tub instead of the clear ones, because roaches don’t like light.
-TEMPERATURE– should be no lower than 60°, and no higher than 95°.
-make sure you have good ventilation, 1/2 of of your tub should be open
or screened (recommended).
STACK EGG CRATES– vertically, so the debris falls to the bottom.
-clean your bin every few months, depending on the amount of roaches you have.
-FEED– RAD ROACHES RAD ROACH CHOW for best results, and give them treats every 1 to 2 weeks or so, such as fruits, citrus, and leafy greens
- WATER– with a RAD ROACH WATER FEEDER, or a sponge.
-To make it super easy buy our RAD ROACH STARTER KIT, we will provide, 1.5lbs of RAD ROACH chow, egg flats, 1oz of water crystals, a 20x8 inch piece of screen.
Non–quick guide

You will need to keep your Roaches warm, no lower than 60°, and no higher than 95°. For breeding 85-95° at all times. If you have a warm room such as an attic you are set, if not you will need a heat source. Red reptile heat lights work well, and are cheap, just make sure you don’t melt your tub, you can also use a heat mat.

Next you will need ventilation.  Ventilation is very important, you will almost always have enough moisture in your enclosure from just having drinking water, too much moisture will cause mold, and mold is deadly to your roaches. Start by taking a razor blade and cutting a rectangle shape out on the lid, you will want the vent to run most of the length of the tub, and about 4 inches wide. Next hot glue, or staple a piece of screen to the lid.

Now its time to put your egg flats in. Stack your flats vertical, so the debris falls to the bottom. We like to leave about four or five inches of room on one side so you have a place for water dishes, and food.   
What you feed your roaches is what will eventually end up feeding your pet, so we strongly suggest feeding them our all natural, highly nutritious RAD ROACH Chow as their staple diet.
Give your roaches treats such fresh fruits, carrots, leafy greens, ect. and as a roach aphrodisiac give them citrus. Just make sure to take out the extra treats so they don’t mold. Provide water in a shallow dish with water crystals, or use a sponge, so the nymphs don’t drown. If using a sponge make sure to clean it every day or two to keep away mold.

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